Services to the Community

It is hard to plan when to turn on heaters, the washing machine, or other electrical equipment when we don’t know when we will have Qadisha or Generator electricity. Their schedules are usually posted on the Bishmizzine Municipality Facebook page, but such notices may get lost in the list of other posts, so we would like to provide updates of the schedules for those services here, along with details about how to benefit from the new drinking water program. Other services will be added here in the future.


April 2022: (We will try to translate it soon)


At the request of our valued subscribers, and due to the bad weather, cold wave and frost, the rationing schedule will be modified for Bishmizzine as follows:

12 pm until 6 am (6 hours)

8-11 am (3 hours)
1-4 pm (3 hours)


Filtering station halfway down Street #9 between main Bishmizzine road and Bishmizzine-Amioun road.

Monday through Saturday: 10 am to 12 noon and 4-6 pm
For information: Adnan Ndour 79135564

Water delivery on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays From 2 pm until 6 pm
For delivery, call Tony Azar 70540052

Note: Bottled water does not contain preservatives, so please keep it away from sunlight.